Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I am mighty pissed today with certain people who seem to be imperfect but think they are SAINTS and have the cheek to tell me what to do.
I dont interfere in anybody's business. But I hate it if the dictate what I am supposed to do.
When they do wrong its fine and dandy. And I cant mention it or question them.
I wish this day will end ... EXHAUSTED mentally to the max and very very depressed.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Diet, Tired, Wired

Frankly I am seriously tired of having to watch my food all the time. And not losing weight I think that its due to STRESS and SLEEPLESSNESS that my diet fails.
So it AINT ME .. Its everything around me that is causing me to not lose weight.
I am really a thin skinny thing in my mind. And I just wish that person would come out instead of the GOONDU I am.
If someone wants a voluteer for EXTREME BODY makeover ... and also provides me with a caretaker for the kids during recovery period .. I wouldnt say no...
I wish I was thin .. . SERIOUSLY!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lunch Box

Right now Nihil has what his friends at school eat but the teacher removes the non-veg for him. But I dont think its as nutritious or filing as a home-cooked meal. I make sure that I feed him some lunch that I prepare so that he meets his daily nutritional needs.
But from next year I wish to send both of the kids to school from 9am to 4pm. This will free me up and they will also have more social interactions in the school. Thus I will be sending them lunch and a small snack pack that they will have instead of what the school will provide.
Sourcing around for a proper insulated kids lunch bag is proving to be a hurculean task. Its either too exp, or not for kids.
I suppose I got to get one from overseas shopping site.
I guess the reason I am unable to get lunch boxes and bags in singapore at a reasonable rate is because of the lack of demand for it. It only shows that Singaporeans dont bring lunches to school or work.
I have to keep looking around and in any case I have till the end of the year.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What others do to us

Is it not wrong when someone hurts our feelings and ignores us? So why when we give them back the same treatment they gave, we are at fault?
The world is filled with all sorts. I am not saying that I am perfect. But I expect love to be given and reciprocated.
I have personally become quite angry with the way things are in the world. What has happened to GOD who is there to see justice given to the right people, and punish wrong doers.
It has become a world where the bad get badder and they also are getting MORE than they deserve.
The good are getting NOTHING!!!
Don't give me the crap about KARMA and past doings that account for all the things that happens.
Though I don't want them to go down in life, I want me to go so high up that they are in awe and they finally realise how self centred they have been and that they were wrong.
GOD if ever there is one, because, of the things that are happening lately I am beginning to doubt that HE is there, I hope opens his eyes and puts everyone in their place.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


My kids have a new found sense of humour these days .. They are always blurting out suprising things that amuse me when I am in a horrid mood .. Examples of some funnies
- " mummy myna pain put oil" I asked him how the myna spoke to him. He replied "koo koo koo"
- Nihil called his sister "Sweetibird". I asked " If Preethi is sweetiebird, what is your name?" He said "cookiebird"!!
- Preethi saw my profile pic on facebook and was muttering to herself. When I listened to what she was saying this is what I heard .... "this small mummy, poor mummy, sayang my mummy"


Thursday, June 3, 2010

My new blog

I have made up my mind that the only way I get some me time and to follow things through is to write it down. And what better way is there than to BLOG.
So I AM BACK!!!!
Why is my blog called HALF EATEN COOKIE you may ask .... WELL, since I had kids I never have been able to eat a whole cookie. Only half eaten, soggy ones make up the cookies that I eat.
It represents the sort of life I have. Half a beautiful cookie and half a damp one.
One never knows how delish a cookie is half soggy till you try it when its stuffed into your mouth by little fingers.
I have a beautiful life with my two sweet cookies and an extra sweet hubby.
More fabulous tales to come ..
Stay tuned.